you may ask, well let me tell you when
Hello there, This is my very first article here so hopefully this gets approved, I am going to share some points about bitcoin and blockchain. For those of you who do not know what Bitcoin is let me put it this way, Bitcoin is a currency which cannot be controlled by any bank or any government, it is basically a virtual currency and can be bought online using real money.So then apart from being a decentralized currency what are its sortegrisen advantages, well you can transfer bitcoin anywhere in this world without much fees, you can be 100% anonymous while doing transactions thanks to a technology called blockchain.So then what is the big thing about this you may ask, well let me tell you when it first launched it has absolutely no value but now 1 bitcoin = 6,689.35 $ that is some pretty impressive growth isn't it?. So how does this thing grow you may ask, well let me tell you how to sustain a blockchain there must be something called a ledger where ...